MS 362
- Medieval Travel Writing
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- Title
- MS 362
- Reference
- MS 362
- Date
- 14th century
- Description
- 241ff.
- Travellers
- John of Plano Carpini
- Languages
- Latin
- Supporting Material
- 'Simon of Saint-Quentin and the Dominican Mission to the Mongol Baiju: A reappraisal', Speculum, XLVI, 1971, pp. 232-249
- 'The Travels of John de Plano Carpini, and other Friars, into Tartary, in the Year 1246', A New General Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. 4
- Contemporaries of Marco Polo
- Relation des Mongols ou Tartares ... Première édition complète, publiée ... et précédée d’une notice sur les anciens voyages de Tartarie ... par M. D'Avezac
- Sinica franciscana, vol. 1, Itinera et relationes Fratrum Minorum saeculi XIII et XIV
- The Dawn of Modern Geography, vol. II
- The History of Maritime and Inland Discovery, vol. 1
- The Journey of William of Rubruck to the Eastern Parts of the World, 1253-55, as narrated by himself, with two accounts of the earlier journey of John of Pian de Carpine: Translated from the Latin, and edited, with an introductory notice, by W. W. Rockhill
- The Texts and Versions of John de Plano Carpini and William de Rubruquis
- Library / Archive
- Österreichische Nationalbibliothek