MS Digby 166
- Medieval Travel Writing
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- Title
- MS Digby 166
- Reference
- MS Digby 166
- Date
- 13th century
- Description
- 135ff.
- Travellers
- Odoric of Pordenone
- Languages
- Latin
- Supporting Material
- Cathay and the way thither ... New edition, revised ... by Henri Cordier, vol. 2
- Contemporaries of Marco Polo
- Historical account of discoveries and travels in Asia : from the earliest ages to the present time, vol. 1
- L’Extrême Orient au Moyen-Age : d’après les manuscrits d’un Flamand de Belgique ... et d’un prince d’Arménie
- Les Voyages en Asie au XIVe siècle du bienheureux frère Odoric de Pordenone
- Livre des Merveilles, vol. 1
- Sinica franciscana, vol. 1, Itinera et relationes Fratrum Minorum saeculi XIII et XIV
- The Dawn of Modern Geography, vol. III
- The History of Maritime and Inland Discovery, vol. 1
- The Principal Navigations, Voiages, Traffiques and Discoueries of the English Nation, made by sea or overland ... at any time within the compasse of these 1500 (1600) yeeres, &c. B.L.
- Library / Archive
- Bodleian Library, University of Oxford